Thursday, October 28, 2004


This is for everyone who doesn't quite understand what is going on. The quizzes are to make people read the book. If I don't hold you accountable for reading when we are doing other things in class then no one will. I am not making anyone do "twice" the work, I am simply trying to get students to study and learn a few good study habits. Putting off reading, homework, projects or anything else until the last minute will not cut it in this class, or any other Pre-AP or AP classes. If you don't stay on top of your work, both in and out of class, then you will get behind, and not be able to catch up. What is being done now.. is no different than any other year. The workload is the same. Nothing has changed. Students should already be reading Ch. 7 and working on the vocab. words even though they are doing oral presentations next week.

Does this help at all?


Here is the login site if it is needed. If you need more help let me know.


Please make sure and at least begine the vocabulary for chapter 7. Remember projects are due on Monday Nov. 1. Everyone must have their project here!

Outline, poster,map, oral presentation( notes)
Make sure the religion is covered completely. Any extras would be great, the more information, the better the grade. The more effort, the better the grade. You will have to take notes over other presentations and there will be a test over all of them. Ask questions and be prepared to answer questions!

Wednesday, October 27, 2004


Since the next two days will be spent working on projects and next week will be spent doing presentations, we will combine chapters 6 and 7. If you have questions I suggest you you read and do vocabulary.

Tuesday, October 26, 2004

Ch 6 notes

Shall we see if this works? Hopefully you are now learning that you must read in order to understand what is going on. The quiz tomorrow will be short and to the point. Guess what it is over?


Just checking this once more to make sure it is up and running. I can not stress to you enough to READ! If this and the other forum are up and running and at your finger tips, there is no reason not to use them to the fullest!

GEEEEEZZZZZZZZZZZZ I love my work! Do you?

Finishing Ch6

Just a few questions you might want to know and look up.

1. The difference in clans and tribes.
2. Motives for Arab conquest.
3. Universal elements of Islam.
4. Who were the Umayyads?
5. Weaknesses of the Adversary Empires.
6. Cause of the Sunni/Shi'ite split.
7. Decline and fall of the Umayyad Empire.
8. Rise of the Abbasid Empire
9. Ecomonics of both Urban and Rural areas.